Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Fourth Sunday of Advent

“Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” That fruit is Jesus, The Christ.

To be Blessed – the Greek word is makarios – means that you have an inner peace, an inner bliss, an inner happiness, an inward joy that is not produced nor affected by circumstance. 

This Jesus had. It attracted - and communicated to -  his followers.

When you realise that God is within you, you have an inner buoyancy  so that when you fall down, you pick yourself up and keep on keeping on.

Every time I celebrate mass, I realise this blessedness. To realise means not only to be aware of something, but also to cause, to make real.

When, thanks to my ordination I speak in persona Christi at mass and say, “this is my body, this is my blood” I realise Christ's presence in the consecrated host. We know it is really there.

In the sacrament of reconciliation – in the confessional – when I say “therefore I absolve you from all your sins.” It is God who cleanses you from – forgives you - all the mistakes you have admitted. You are blessed.

Being aware of the fact that God loves me, causes my heart to feel that love. It motivates me to help God improve the world around me. 

That, of course, includes you!

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