Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
still working to help God make this World a better place
Thank you for coming here. On this website you will see who I am, what I am doing and thinking, and how I am striving to die young at an old age. I hope this will help you.
You can share your thoughts on this by emailing me at
Becoming Squared
the latest book by Prof. Msgr. Fr. Vladimir Felzmann
click on the image below to download in pdf
Life Squared
As I approached my 80th birthday, I wanted to find out what I really thought about life. Writing this book has crystallised my experiences. I now know better what I have learned and what I think.
Now, that I’m coming to the end of my life, I have finally learned how to live. Time’s slippage nudged me to act on my dream of passing what I have learned on to others.
Father Vlad
To buy your copy of the book (£12.95+pp) please contact Father Vlad:
or +44 (7810) 116 508
A Journey to Eternity - My Years in Opus Dei 1959 - 1982
Happy Advent as you prepare to welcome The Good News deeper into your heart.
All, three parts of my memories “A journey to Eternity” are now available. They put some flesh on what there is in my Biography.
The e-book is freely available and can be download clicking on the cover image above.
Alternatively, if you are interested in receiving a hard copy, just email me at: and copies will be on their way to you. Thank you.
The original title of this book was "The Art of Aging Gracefully". However, as soon as I started to put down in writing the experiences of my life, the lives of my congregations, allies-in-life, colleagues and friends, it became obvious that this is just one art - among many. You, dear reader might have your own – perhaps even better - ways of tackling the autumn years of your life.
Father Vlad's Newsletters Archive
Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
send Father Vlad a message
+44 (7810) 116 508
copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann