Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Ash Wednesday

”The Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. (Mt 6,16-18).

God is everywhere. Often, all too often, we are not aware of that presence. And feel lonely and depressed.

We are surrounded by air but need to fan it into movement  if we are indoors and windless.

(Fanning face). Prayer is that fan. Setting aside liturgies, most of my prayers are prayed silently, in secret.

Years ago, when I was at The Cathedral, on two occasions I spotted a man stuffing large denomination bank notes into the box for the poor. As well as me, God was seeing his generosity.

Nowadays, there are many anonymous benefactors picking up rubbish on the side of the road. God sees them and rewards them with the joy of seeing that road clean.

Over my lifetime I have anonymously repaired many things. The reward was knowing I was helping God make the world a better place – with only God knowing  who had done the job. 

Caring for a dementia patient, almost everything I do is done in the secret of forgetfulness. Ten minutes after I do anything, it is forgotten. What motivates me are the words of Jesus “whatever you do to the least of mine, you do it for me.” As Mary for Jesus as a baby, I do it for the mature – second childhood – Christ. As the Spaniards say “vale le pena”. It’s worthwhile.

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