Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Anyone who does not welcome the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

The Kingdom of God - the State of Divine Love  - is one in which God is parent of children who admit they need care, support, education and nourishment and above all, love.

Adults often think that they can go it alone – children never do – when they are still young. “Mummy – daddy – I need you."

Little children walk down the road holding their parent’s hand. When walking together in a crocodile, two boys or girls hold each other’s hands. A bit like, metaphorically The Sunday Coffee Klatsch as we journey on through a week.

I know I need God and my communities of friends. St Francis of Assisi saw every creature as a friend. Each one, a part of his extended family.

I know I need the blessed sacrament, I readily accept that I need sacred scripture to guide my thinking. Though some adults think they know it all, little children accept the fact that they need to learn.

When a child is with his or her parents, there is no need for fear. As you heard the other week,  the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ appears 365 times in The Bible. God is with us Emmanuel, every day of the year.

Just before he died, the last words of St Thomas Aquinas – with his massive intellect - were on December 6, 1273, “Such secrets have been revealed to me that all I have written now appears as so much straw.”

I admit that the more I know, the more I know I don’t know.  I can’t wait to die, to become a grown up and see what St Thomas began to glimpse. Until then, I know I have to be patient – as little children have to be, waiting for their meal.

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