Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Blog “To whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life.”

As many of you know, my Autobiography is entitled “A journey to eternity”. That is how see my life.

The journey is crucially important. On how I live it will depend the quality of the target of my life.

To the extent I keep taking on board  the teachings of Jesus – the virtues he taught by his words and life-style - I may be confident of its outcome.

Jesus taught his followers that those who live good lives – above all loving God and our neighbours - and follow his teachings, will be rewarded with eternal. life in God's kingdom.

Love – expressed as living for the benefit of others – expands our heart and as in heaven we will be fulfilled – filled full – the bigger our heart, the greater our joy and delight in eternity.

Bearing that in mind, motives me to keep on keeping on; to KBO as priest.

31st August will be exactly 55 years since my ordination. During these years, I have kept in closer contact with Jesus, The Word of God.

His teachings include denying ourselves by living  for others, turning the other cheek, forgiving, loving – and praying for – our enemies. 

As well as our friends – like you.

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