Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

“She has put in everything…”

Remembrance Sunday reminds us of all those who gave – or had taken away – everything that was theirs’s in space-time.

It seems that on God’s eyes it is not the quantity but quality - the percentage of our heart – that we commit. Generosity rather than wealth across the PIES – the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our life - is what matters. 

Never judge another. Strength, energy, education, temperament… who knows what is inside anyone but yourself? They may be performing well simply because they are gifted rather than committed.

St Peter may have denied Jesus three times but he would, eventually, commit the whole of his heart “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” And go to Rome where he was crucified.

When I examine my relationship with the SON – my self, others and nature – I know I need to take compassion on my self. If I were not in good shape, I could not serve others and nature – and God, in everything.

Over my past 55 years of priesthood I have come  across all too many of my brethren who, perhaps arrogantly, did not look after themselves and ended up with a breakdown; a pain for others.

Ask yourself, “Am I doing my best? Am I growing in my commitment to God in my SON?”

It is never too late to start.

Generosity can mean giving less rather than more – like a short homily  - that is short for your benefit, not mine.

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