Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Third Sunday of Easter

Jesus Christ said that “The Forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations.”

God wants to forgive us, not just the Chosen People, but everyone, everywhere round the globe and will forgive us, as soon as we apologise and repent. Christ's church is universal, catholic.

Jesus Christ wants us to forgive each other, to preach, to teach by our example, forgiveness wherever we are.

For those who are married, you know that forgiveness is vital, especially in a long-lasting relationship so it can, indeed, be long lasting.

None of us is perfect. We all make mistakes and upset people.

A key saying that has guided my life - which my past pupils remember - is " falling down is not important. Getting up is."

Repent, admit mistakes, apologise and – by God - you are forgiven.

I learned that years ago in Cornwall while staying with a long-range friend Caroline. She had a very demanding father, who had been a captain of a Royal Navy ship during WW2 - and very demanding of his only child. We discussed her past. She said no way could she be forgiven for her, rather morally tricky, past. Her father never forgave her.

Then, suddenly, her 4-year-old boy dashed into the kitchen.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, I guess, I blurted out " but you forgive Luke." "She replied, "Of course I forgive Luke. I am totally responsible for him. Without me, he would not be here."

Suddenly a smile started to spread across her face. Caroline was no fool. If she forgave Luke, God - being even better than her - would forgive her. 

Life’s experiences have taught my much theology.

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copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann