Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Pentecost Sunday 2024

“As the Father sent me, so I send you: Receive the Holy Spirit.”

This mission, this vocation, I was given at my baptism. However, given I was but a couple of weeks old, I do not remember that gift. Confirmed around the age of eight, Thanks to his inspirational commitment to spreading the Gospel in India, I chose Francis Xavier as my Confirmation Name. At my ordination in 1969 it was clear that my life was to be a continuation of the role Jesus lived while with us on earth.

Pentecost reminds me to celebrate that we  - all Christians - are here to spread the Kingdom – the state of love – wherever we are. Thanks to our baptism we each are an  Alter Christus – another Christ.

On my way to Saskatoon, to celebrate my 85th birthday, and on my way back at Toronto, my collar attracted the attention of first as Baptist and then an Evangelical pastor. They both approved my words:  “we are in different regiments of the same army.”  Canadians, I found, are very friendly. 

The Holy Spirit needs our co-operation, our commitment, if we are to be effective in whatever our roles - at home, in our work-place as well as where we relax.

No matter what age we are, that vocation is there right up our last breath. 

Every morning, on my way to the bathroom and kits set of exercises and shower, I declare “Yesh, my love, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

What that day will bring, I do not know. I do know why I am on this earth. I am here to live as Christlike a day as I can manage. I hope today reminds you of that wonderful dimension of your life.

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