Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Papal Orders Committee Mass - Feast of St Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr.

“ May they may be one in us.”

Unity. Peace how important that is we are reminded every Remembrance Sunday. And yesterday 11.11.

If we are in God – who is love – then we will be in harmony with others who are also there.

Underpinning my relationship with others are Christ’s words - that are etched in to my heart, ”What you do to the least of mine, you do unto me.” (Mt 25,40)

People are like the consecrated host we receive at communion. God is in them. They are worthy of respect – and our service.

Many years ago, while teaching ethics to a class of fourteen-year olds at Cardinal Vaughan School, a lad shot his hand up and declared, “It’s all right for you father. You get paid to be good.” For him, a priest was a professional goodie.

Whenever I tall this story I add “I don’t get paid much. That’s why I am not very good.”

Thanks to our baptism into Christ we are all called to be – at least amateur – goodies. I know you are.

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