Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


May 2024 Musings

On the cross

God demonstrates

That Divinity is present

In those that suffer.

God offers divine love to all


If that love is rejected

It seems that God is doing nothing

Just observing

Our human pain.

On Calvary

God demonstrated

that the divinity is

within those who suffer.

Time in Banff’s hot spring bath

Is for my body

What the Holy Spirit is

For my heart.

Mountains talk

To me

Of time.

The Rockies are some 55-80 million years old

The Alps perhaps 300 million years old

Makes my 85 years a mini blink.


So varied across their PIES

Make life entertainingly

Though at times


Thank you

Beloved God

For all you have given me

So far

In my life.

The three Ps

Damaging our societies



Popularism and


Time opens wide its arms

To embrace a vast variety of folk

All yearning for love.

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copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann