Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
still working to help God make this World a better place
“You are my friends, so I chose you, to go out and bear fruit.”
Ever since my youth, when my father, seeing how some people behaved badly, told me, “We Felzmanns don’t do that. We do this,” the two words “Noblesse oblige” are etched into my mind.
It’s the idea that someone with a noble position should use their abilities to help other people.
Socially, I do not have a position of power. However, I am a son of God and a friend of Jesus Christ.
So, I ask myself, does that show in the way I live my life and use my resources of time and energy?
In a number of my recent – 85th! - birthday cards and good wishes, I do seem to have made a positive impact on a number of lives. Thank God.
But the question remains, am I doing enough? Could I do more?
Remember the poem that shaped my early life?
Good better best
I must never let them rest
until my good is better
and my better best.
Since our baptism, we have been invited to be channels – conduits – of God’s graces. What I have been given – God’s love for me – is there for me to pass on.
Belonging to the Church is good. Believing is Christianity is better but behaving as Christ is the best. The key to eternal life.
Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
send Father Vlad a message
+44 (7810) 116 508
copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann