Today we hear that Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
Many years ago, camping in St Richard’s, a Herefordshire Prep School, I discovered what Jesus really meant by his claim.
The first afternoon after we settled in, I saw Ursula Tremlett, Caspar, the Headteacher’s wife, coming towards us. Following her was a generous flock of sheep.
After the usual pleasantries, I asked her about that flock – which, to me a towny - seemed unusual. They were deep bodied, white with well-defined black patches. The head and neck were black with a white blaze on the face extending down the chest. Both sexes were horned.
She explained that they were Jacob sheep – the sheep that were native to The Holy Land. She let me know that if a dog approaching them, it would get short shrift. They could not be driven but they followed their owner if he or she respected and took care of them. As Ursula certainly did.
I suddenly understood today's parable when Jesus said " I am the Good Shepherd". Nothing like our European shepherds who use dogs to drive their sheep – as I have seen out in the fields and on television competitions.
We cannot be driven towards the Kingdom of God by anyone in a dog-collar. We can, if we choose, follow Jesus and his teachings and be led to where we can find a fulfilling way of life. It has certainly worked in my case.
God supplies us with guidance, a worshiping community and the sacraments. However, we have to decide - perhaps the word is ‘repent’ - and take up his offer.
On how closely we follow The Good Shepheard determines, not only the state of our eternity, but a joy-filled life on earth.
Love cannot be driven. It can, however, be drawn.
Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
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copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann