Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Christmas Day Mass

“No one has ever seen God, it is only the Son who has made him known.”

Jesus, The Word that is God – translated divinity into the vernacular of our humanity. God the Blessed Trinity, is far more than Jesus. 

However, in Jesus we can learn - we can discover – the nature of God.

Pondering on – reflecting upon – what Jesus The Christ said through his words and actions we gradually realise How God is;  the personality we shall meet face to face upon our death and birth into divine eternity.

That is the beauty - and awe -  of Christmas. God is no longer ‘out there’. God is Emmanuel, With us. One of us.

The New Year 2025, is The Year of Jubilee with its theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. And, thus, forgiveness of sin.

 How about making one of your New Year’s Resolutions a decision to spend a few minutes each day – or an hour or two every week – reflecting on the Gospels and getting to know the real Jesus of Nazareth. 

Slot this into your timetable.  Before or after reading the newspapers. Weld it into your life’s daily routine. Alone or with your spouse. 

After all, 2025 is The Year of Jubilee.

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copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann