“Repent, and believe the Good News.”
To repent is not just turning from evil and guilt to the good, but changing the way you think. The Greek is metanoia - 'change your mind, change direction'. Move from a negative to a positive mindset.
The Kingdom of God is close – but it is not forced upon us. With the gift of faith we can realise God’s presence wherever we are. God is with me. All I need to do is to die so as to see that divinity.
While aged 15 and on holiday on the Isle of Eriskay, Outer Hebrides, quite unexpectedly I experience God’s overwhelming love. I started to live within that Kingdom. I knew I was God’s child. My identity was secure.
It was more than Good News. It was brilliant Good News. And here I am.
God is Emmanuel – with us. God is love. God understands. God forgives. Jesus revealed – and realised, made real – that Kingdom wherever he was, whatever he said, trying to clarify who God was and how we could live life to the full (Jn 10,10).
The kingdom of God - consciously living with God - is an open invitation. Never too late, never too soon to accept it.
Politically as well as economically life for the Jews under Roman occupation was tough. Tougher even than our own life right now. Jesus lived and taught hope.
To accept the invitation into God’s Kingdom will change your mindset and make it more positive, full of hope – no matter what.
Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad
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+44 (7810) 116 508
copyright Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann