Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


Musings – many in Paris where I had time to think - January 2024

Generous actions 

rather more


religious rituals 

reveal our love of God.

Talking about myself

I generate 

half a portrait 

half a mask. 

My actions reveal the real me.

A grotesque Christian vice


Pius intolerance

Of others’ faiths.

Burying my friends

Spares them the pain

Of burying me.

Hope and confidence  together

Achieve a great deal.

So, I keep on keeping on.


death is a dream until

One day 

it becomes real

Opening our eyes

To the reality

Of God.

Like Prague's Hall of Mirrors

Education, prejudices, and moods

Distort perception.

The only true eyes

Are God's.

As tumultuous 2024 

Gets into its stride

Hope's feet grate

On sprinkled salt.


Our world lives her widowhood.

I dream she might

Soon find

A new, enlightened mate.

None I value judges me

But me.

How and where 

my heart journeys 

is up to me


(In the book of my life

God is a lover

Not a judge.)

On this earth 

I am

A bloody foreigner


To reach

My absolute

God-given goal.

Christ's values

Like an inextinguishable candle

In a remorseless hurricane 


Over two millennia

enlightened many 

and now


In 1973

Rejection kicked a fallen dog 

not to kill

But to get back

On its feet

So, I stood 

And now

Still walk.

How you see

And treat

The SONG of life

Determines who you are.

Worth asking


In our tumultuous decade

As People

Uncertain and afraid yearn

For clarity, certainty and hope

Th right wing waits

Impatient in the wings.

Dare to be different 

Do not allow

Our culture

To devour 

Your dreams.

I may be but

A comma

In the vast book of life

But I can change 

The meaning 

Of a clause.

Irony is but

Admission of despair.

I am

What I love.

Loss enriches


Am I inhuman if

With God in my heart

I cannot wail?

Where we are

Matters not.

How we are matters 

A great deal

Which flicks you

Into one 

Of two types

Of eternity.


God is never lonely


Out of love he creates 

Every programmed atom 

Within the Universe.

I think as I am.

I speak as I would like to be


Language is a journey

To perception



World War Two

Was the bastard child

 of The Great War

and Versailles.


In many progressive eyes

Is foolishness 

For holiness has

The truth.

Actions born of emotions

Unguided by thoughts

Are dangerously capricious.


Then think

Then act.

Living to kill time

Allows time to kill joy


We are 

What we have invested

Across our PIES.

Chasing happiness

It runs away.

Giving it away

Happiness comes running 

Back to you.

We all have scars


On our PIES.

Before dementia strikes

No one imagines what they meant 

with" better for worse

Till death do us part."

Unexpected consequences

May be



The Fascists developed 

And used

The worst in each one of us

For their own end.

Jesus is in me without being me

Something like air in my lungs

Oxidising my blood

Filling my heart with love.

Reality seen by me

Has two existences

Its own

And the one in my mind.

Each one of us 

Has our own world within


Together  we are all one humanity

Each one a sibling

A child of God.

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