Prof. Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann aka Father Vlad 

still working to help God make this World a better place 


CaAPA (Catholic Association of Performing Arts) Annual Mass - Kensington Square

In remembrance of deceased members

Jn 14, 1-6.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled”

Thanks to the Paschal Mystery, I am convinced that our lives have three stages.

1st in our mother’s womb where we could not breathe nor have any idea about life outside yet, over nine months were able to grow those initial two cells into twenty-six billion cells  – with all its many organs.

2nd here we are, capable of life and breathing – thanks to our lungs which grew while we were fed through our umbilical cord. We make choices which shape our life without any idea of life after our death and birth into eternity.

The 3rd will be our life in eternity once   - by death - we have been pushed out of this womb of space-time and born into eternity. If we  are Capax Dei – capable of life with God - we will delight in a life "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him."(1 Cor 2,9).

“No one can come to the Father except through me.” I am love incarnate. Love shown in deeds of service. Remember the Johannine Last Supper and the feet washing?

Living for others is the best way to pass time on earth and the surest way to eternal life with God.

Time is like a staircase on which we can go up or down. So, let’s keep on climbing.

Jesus made it clear that “What you do to the least of mine, you do unto me.” (Mt 15,40) and as Jesus likes short homilies I will stop talking.

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